Choose a therapist
- Sign up and go to the Therapists page.
- There is no rating system, so the list is randomly sorted.
- Use a filter by age, language, and key topics to simplify your search.
Our platform does not have open signing form for therapists. It means that only those in whom we are absolutely sure get on the list. All Treatfield therapists have relevant education, undergone additional training in a specific area of psychotherapy, and have at least five years of counselling experience.
Each therapist's page has a short biography and an intro video (some of them are still in the process of being recorded) so that you can understand more about the therapist. Pay attention to the main topics that the therapist works with, and check out the therapist's articles and videos. You may like one of the therapists right away. Since we guarantee the qualifications of therapists and you don't have to compare their education and experience, intuition is a good tool for choosing.
If you can't choose, we will answer questions about psychotherapy and help you choose a therapist to suit your needs. Contact us at [email protected].

- On the page of the selected therapist, click the "Request an appointment" button.
- This button will open the appointment window. Briefly describe the topic you'd like to work on and what time works for you. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.
- Agree on an appointment for the first consultation, and the therapist will schedule it inside the system. The time will be displayed in your profile in the Therapy section.
If you still have questions about the therapy process, feel free to ask your psychotherapist in private messages or contact us at [email protected].

- A payment button appears next to the scheduled session in the Therapy section. The same button will appear on the top menu bar.
- You can pay for the session with a Visa or Mastercard. The payment system is integrated into the website.
- Funds are not debited from the card at the time of prepayment, but only held. Payment is completed after the consultation ends.

- At the scheduled time, log into the online room.
- The browser will ask for access to the computer's camera and microphone. Please allow it. You can access these settings by clicking the lock icon in the address bar.
- The online room will work from your computer or mobile devices (we recommend using the Chrome browser).