Psychotherapy for business

We have added functionality that allows companies to pay for psychotherapy for their employees. Let us briefly explain why businesses may need psychotherapy and how it works.

Why businesses need psychotherapy

Whereas a decade ago psychotherapy was seen only as a 'cure' for trauma or a way out of a crisis, it is now gradually becoming a regular practice. We support our emotional state with psychotherapy in much the same way as we care for our physical health with sports and for our intellectual health with new challenges, hobbies, and life-long learning. If a corporation reimburses its employees for sports and language courses, they can include psychotherapy in the bonus package. Moreover, in complex and creative industries the relationship in a team and the condition of each talent greatly affects the results of team's work.

At the same time, corporate psychotherapy should not become an instrument of control or a way to "increase productivity." On the one hand, psychotherapy does find problems that take away energy and gradually eliminate them (long-standing conflicts, anxiety, sleep problems). On the other hand, the company can only offer employees such an option, and what exactly they will talk about with the therapist and what conclusions they will draw in the end is beyond the company's control.

How psychotherapy for business works on Treatfield

Step 1. Sign up. A company creates an account

In order to begin paying for therapy for their employees, a company must sign up on the platform (i.e., create a regular account from which they will then be charged). This account may be owned by a manager or another person who organises this process.

Step 2. Link a bank card

Once you have signed up, you will need to go to Profile, click Edit Profile and add a debit card which will be used to make the payment.

We use the payment processing service to process the transactions. Treatfield has no access to your financial details and does not store them anywhere.

Step 3. Employees create individual accounts

All employees who plan to receive psychotherapy create an individual account on the platform, and give the company the email they used while signing up.

Psychotherapy on Treatfield can be done anonymously, without telling the therapist your name or putting it in your profile, but you will need your email address in order to link your account with the company's account for payment.

Step 4. Link the company account with the individual accounts

The business account sends invitations to individual employee profiles (Profile - Edit Profile - Pay for other user - Add user).

Step 6. Employee receives and accepts the invitation

The employee will receive an invitation and can accept it. The accounts are now linked.

Step 7. Employee chooses a therapist and makes an appointment for a consultation.

Now, when the employee pays for an appointment with a therapist, they can choose to pay from a corporate card or from their personal card.

The company will see payment statistics and dates of sessions in its profile. The company does not see which therapists its employees work with. It is crucial for us to adhere to the ethical principles of psychotherapy and, above all, the principle of confidentiality. For this reason, the payment statistics are the only information we pass over to the corporate paying profile.

It is not technically possible on Treatfield to limit the number of sessions per month or their cost. Therefore, if a company wants to set such limits, it needs to discuss this with employees separately.

All clients of Treatfield choose which psychotherapist they want to work with. The platform does not appoint a therapist. If you have difficulties making your choice, we are happy to help and recommend a specialist in the corresponding field.

Please contact us if you have any technical or legal questions: [email protected]

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