​Kristina Chernyak – psychologist

​Kristina Chernyak

$50 */ 50 Minutes

Psychologist, gestalt therapist. Kristina received a master's degree in "Clinical Psychology," underwent specialisations in "Clinical Approach in Gestalt Therapy," "Developmental Theory in Gestalt Approach: Age Crises," and is currently studying for a specialisation in sexology. Values the gestalt approach for placing the individual with their feelings and perspectives, with their individuality always at the forefront. She has been running a private practice since 2019.
Colleagues note that Kristina is very open and humane, with sincere and genuine interest in the client's internal processes.

Works with themes of separation and boundaries, relationships, love triangles, and sexuality. Kristina's clients often articulate their requests as "everything is fine on the outside, but inside it's not," "I want to learn to say no," "I can't continue to live as I did before, and I don't know how to do it differently." Kristina helps navigate age crises, crises of feminine identity, find new meanings, and go through periods of change. Does not work with chemical dependencies.

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Areas of expertise
Loneliness, Relationship crisis, Purpose and meaning, Adaptation to change, Divorce
Approaches and methods
Gestalt therapy
Individual counselling
Русский , Українська
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